The NSW Revenue Professionals Inc. was formed in order to:
- To unite in a common organisation, those Local Government employees who are engaged in rating and revenue functions.
- To improve and elevate the technical and general knowledge of Local Government employees who are engaged in rating and revenue functions.
- To distribute amongst its members, and the regional NSWRP groups, information on all matters affecting or pertaining to the profession of rating and revenue management within Local Government, by way of meetings, newsletters, conferences, or any other method available to the Committee.
- To promote a professional image of Rating and Revenue practitioners in Local Government, in New South Wales.
- To promote quality services to Local Government in New South Wales through the dissemination of best practice.
- To encourage members to keep up to date with finance related activities and legislative changes through continuing professional development.
- To identify the skills and knowledge needed by employees and facilitate training and education.
- To make the expertise of members available to professional bodies and government departments as required.
Membership of the NSW Revenue Professionals Inc. (NSWRP) is open to any person who is involved in the rating or revenue functions within Local Government in New South Wales.
Membership fees are payable by all members. The Executive Committee, following the Annual General Meeting (AGM), fixes the fees for the following year.
The Executive Committee (Executive) comprises of five country representatives and four metropolitan representatives elected from the regional NSWRP groups.
The Executive elects the holders of the positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer from these representatives. All elected positions on the Executive lapse immediately following the Annual Conference.
For a copy of the Statement of Purposes and Rules of the NSW Revenue Professionals Inc., please click here